Saturday, November 8, 2008

More Cute Stories

It snowed the other day, so when Micah woke up, I told him to look out the window. He did and he was so excited to see the snow. He proudly exclaimed, "Mom! It's snowing!" He then looked out the window again and exclaimed, "It's snowing at Max and Micah's house too!" I said, "Yeah, it's snowing at Tyler's house too." Micah then looks down the street towards Tyler's house and says,"No, it's not snowing over there."

Later in the day, Micah was sitting on the potty. I heard him yell, "Help me!" so I ran in there thinking I would need to wipe him. When I got in there, there was a fly sitting on Micah's knee. He said, "Get it off, get it off." I shewed it away and off it flew. Micah then said, "I guess that's what happens when I don't mind." I think I must say that too much. Poor kid thinks that anything out of the ordinary happens because he wasn't minding. :)


Lydia said...

That's so funny that he didn't shoo the fly

Cami said...

He is soooo funny. What a cutie! I know what you mean, though, when they sometimes repeat what you say. I've caught a few things like that, too.

Natalie said...

Oh, that's so nice of you to say that. Well I think Micah is the best boy in nursery! He's such a cutie and it's nice to have a child that gets along so well with everyone else! Good job Carrie!

Jessica said...

LOL.. I love that! A fly, what a crack-up!