I'm always proud of my little guy, but the fact that he "gets it". He gets that sometimes you have to be tough and not let the pain get to you. He's only five and probably way ahead of me in that game. :)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
I'm always proud of my little guy, but the fact that he "gets it". He gets that sometimes you have to be tough and not let the pain get to you. He's only five and probably way ahead of me in that game. :)
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Abby's Dance Recital
Her very first dance recital was last week and she stole the show! She started off really paying attention to her teacher (who was standing in front of the stage so the girls could watch her do the moves), but about half way through the dance, she decided that it would be more fun to do a dance of her own creation. So, she finished the routine with something of her own creation. It was adorable!
Just before her dance began (her class was the second dance of the show), they turned the lights off so the audience couldn't see the kids going on and off the stage. As Abby's class was coming on, I heard her say, "I can't see my mommy!" I don't think she was too worried though, because when the curtains came up, she was in full Abby form.
For the shows finale, all the dancer came out on stage for their finally bows. Abby was holding the hand of one of the assistants, when she noticed a little girl in her class, that was sitting at the front of the stage (her mom was trying to get her to go up on stage). Abby kept pointing to this little girl and looking at the assistant like, "Can't you see her? Aren't you going to get her?" After pointing and looking at her several times, Abby decided to take the matter into her own hands. So, she broke away and ran to this little girl. She tried to get the little girl to come with her, but the little girl wasn't having it. And then, Abby noticed that the curtains were closing, so she ran back to her class and spot on the stage, just as the curtains closed on the night.
Ahhhh...we love this girl!
Monday, January 10, 2011
Impromptu Tea Party
Her bestie, Isabelle, was coming over today, so I told Abby that we could have a "Tea Party" with her. So, once Isabelle got here, the girls played while I prepared our little tea party. They were so excited to find out that not only were we going to eat fun things, but we were going to dress up in all of Abby's costume jewelry.
They were so excited. It was absolutely adorable to see them "get ready" for the tea party.
Our story was all about how Princess Abby and Princess Isabelle were playing in the royal parlor when a fire-breathing dragon stole them. They were being kept in the dragon's dungeon until Prince Micah came to their rescue and returned them safely, to the royal parlor where they played with their beautiful babies and lived happily ever after.
Yes, today was a much better day. :)
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Micah's New Year's Eve Party
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
My Baby is in Preschool
I took her shopping this past weekend, for a new backpack. Every kid needs a backpack when they start any sort of school. At first, Abby picked a giant, yellow, Spongebob backpack. I was freaking out a little about that. Then, she saw this one and was trying to decide between the two. I was so relieved when she chose this one. It's adorable and unique.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam
As you can see, Micah wasn't quite as excited about having his picture taken. He warmed up though. And yes, we still have our Christmas tree up. :)
Abby insisted on telling Micah "somsing". Micah said it was a secret.
It must have been a good secret, because this hug is what happened right after.
Primary was a bit chaotic, with the transition to new teachers and new classrooms, but it went better than I had expected. Micah was great! He gets reverence and tries really hard. Abby on the other hand, well, that will unboubtedly be a work in progress. :)
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Recent Funnies from Micah & Abby
Micah and Abby are growing like crazy and they say the funniest things. Yesterday, we took the kids to lunch at "Red Robin". As we were eating, I noticed that Abby's shirt was wet. I said, "Abby, how did your shirt get wet?" She just looked at me and said, "Oh! The water did it." Duh, mom. :)
Micah is a quiet kid, but make no mistake, he likes to be the one in charge. The other day, he reinforced that when he said to me, "Mom, I like being in charge." I said, "What do you like to be in charge of?" I was expecting him to say something like, "picking out the movie", or "which shirt I wear", or "what game to play", etc., but he surprised me with his answer. So, what does Micah like to be in charge of? "The things Abby does." That's a direct quote. :)
Micah is also super sweet. Last night, he and I were laying on the couch, watching, "Santa Buddies". Out of nowhere, he asked, "Mom, who is your best friend?" I said, "I have three best friends- you, Abby, and Daddy." He said, "No. I mean, who do you like to play with?" I explained to him that if I could play with anyone in the world, it would still be him, Abby, and daddy. I then turned the question on him and asked, "Who is your best friend? Who is the person you like to be around the most?" He replied, "You." The kid melts my heart.
My kids are the best! I count myself blessed on a daily basis. :)